What is more engaging than seeing an artist delve into topics that connect us all? That is what we explored with Coffee Supreme’s One More Cup of Coffee is artist interview series where we chat to a musician about their art, interests and creativity, all over a cup of coffee.
Brief: Integrate Coffee Supreme into the lifestyle brand territory by bolstering their visibility within the music culture landscape.
The strategy was to present Coffee Supreme to the music culture landscape and cross pollinate B2C audiences. To help Coffee Supreme shift into the lifestyle territory, making them more visible and .

Concept: Coffee is an elixir that has sparked creativity and intellectual curiosity for hundreds of years. From the penny universities of the 17th century to Bill Murray and Wu Tang Clan bantering over a cuppa in Coffee and Cigarettes, coffee has had a profound effect on humanity.
To successfully widen Coffee Supreme’s B2C channels, we explored the mutually beneficial relationship between their product and the artists who consume it.
Content: A 2 part video series named “One More Cup of Coffee”. Deliverable branded video content for all social media platforms; youtube, Instagram, facebook.
This involved creative campaign visual branding and logo.
Results: An on brand video series called “ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE” that organically presented Coffee Supreme as a lifestyle brand integral to the creative process.
Video series successfully markets Coffee Supreme as a product and brand to the wider cultural taste-makers audience.